
A Substance That Absorbs Light

Passing white light through a prism separates the lite into different wavelengths, appearing equally a rainbow of colors. The order of colors is determined by the wavelength of light. For visible light, red has the longest wavelength and violet has the shortest wavelength. Yet, visible light is only a small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Free energy is inversely porportional to the wavelength – longer wavelengths have less energy than shorter wavelengths. For instance, UV calorie-free has a shorter wavelength and more energy than visible light.

A pigment is any substance that absorbs low-cal. The color of the pigment comes from the wavelengths of light that are reflected, or in other words, those wavelengths not absorbed. Chlorophyll, the green pigment common to all photosynthetic cells, absorbs all wavelengths of visible light except green, which information technology reflects. This is why plants appear green to united states. Black pigments absorb all wavelengths of visible light that strike them. White pigments reflect most of the wavelengths striking them.

Each pigment has a characteristic absorption spectrum describing how it absorbs or reflects dissimilar wavelengths of light. Wavelengths absorbed by chlorophyll and other photosynthetic pigments generate electrons to power photosynthesis. All photosynthetic organisms have chlorophyll a which absorbs violet-bluish and red orange-red wavelengths. Chlorophyll a reflects green and yellow-green wavelengths.

Accessory photosynthetic pigments, including chlorophyll b and beta-carotene, blot energy that chlorophyll a does non absorb. Chlorophyll only triggers a chemic reaction when it is associated with proteins embedded in a membrane, such as in thylakoid membranes of the chloroplast or membrane infoldings found in photosynthetic prokaryotes.

A Substance That Absorbs Light,


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