What Can We Learn From The Gospel Of Thomas?
Do y'all want to know the important lessons you tin learn from the life of the Campaigner Thomas? If yes, you came to the right place. Bring together us now as nosotros take a deep dive into the life of Thomas and discover how to go a disciple of Christ!
The Campaigner Thomas is best known by his championship, "doubting Thomas". Even so, if we look closer into his life, there is more to learn from his story than his first encounter with the resurrected Christ. In this post, discover the 5 best lessons nosotros can acquire from the life of the Campaigner Thomas.
Who is the Apostle Thomas?
The Apostle Thomas is ane of the original twelve disciples of Yahshua the Messiah or popularly known as Jesus Christ. Much of what we know about Thomas is written in the Gospel of John. Thus, is not surprising to see that in that location are different theories revolving his true identity.
The name Thomas means a twin. In John's writing, Thomas is likewise called Didymus, which is a Greek equivalent of his Hebrew proper name. Some Bible scholars suggest that Thomas is a blood brother of Matthew and James, the son of Alphaeus. Others propose that his real proper noun is Judas and Thomas is merely his surname, which makes him a brother of Jesus (Matthew 13:55).
When it comes to his birthplace, it was said that he was born in Galilee to a humble family. It was too believed that his churchly mission was centered more in India where he was as well killed around 72 AD.
Some scholars postulate that afterwards Christ'due south crucifixion, Thomas separated from the rest of the disciples, which explains why he was absent during the beginning appearance of Christ to the group.
While there might be a lot of speculations about Thomas, for the purpose of this article, let us stick to what the Bible clearly reveals.
With that beingness said, here are the v lessons we can acquire from the life of Thomas.
Let's brainstorm!
What are the lessons we can learn from the life of the Apostle Thomas?
Lesson no. 1: Nosotros must be loyal to God unto death
Most people don't know it merely Thomas was a loyal disciple of Christ who is willing to die for him. When Lazarus passed away, Jesus decided to go dorsum to Judea. At this time, Jesus is already a wanted man and the Jews desire to kill Him. Going to Judea was surely a suicide mission.
Thus, we read the response of the apostles in John 11:eight:
"Rabbi, lately the Jews sought to stone You lot, and are You going there again?"
Withal, Jesus Christ was adamant to go dorsum to Judea and perform ane of the greatest miracles he would ever perform – bringing a expressionless person back to life.
Christ said in verse 14 and xv:
"Lazarus is dead. And I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, that y'all may believe. All the same permit us go to him."
Here is where the courage of Thomas manifested in verse sixteen:
Then Thomas, who is called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, "Allow us also get, that nosotros may die with Him."
Some commentators believed that the "Him" in Thomas' response refer to Lazarus, indicating that he is hopeless and just existence sarcastic.
However, personally, I would say that the "Him" here refers to Christ. Thomas believed at this time that if Christ will die, it would be the finish of it all. Since he doubts that Christ will ever exist resurrected, his mind is set to die with their Chief one time and for all. If they die, they die with Jesus.
While the statement of Thomas might be something that signals his lack of understanding and faith, it still shows his loyalty to Christ. He is more than than willing to dice for Jesus and this has also been a motivation to other disciples who heard him.
Notice Thomas argument, "Permit US become." He didn't say, "I will become." Thomas' want is that other disciples would likewise do the same. He wants his fellow disciples to have the same frame of mind.
Thomas has answered Christ invitation, "Follow Me." Now, he is ready to act upon that invitation to the point of death. He is fix to dice with Christ and this desire comes from his strong amore to his Master.
As Christians, we need to brand sure that we are also prepare to dice for Christ if the situation calls for it. Fourth dimension will come when being a Christian would be difficult. In other parts of the world, Christians are already being killed because of their belief.
Post-obit Christ does non only mean to die for him but besides to live for him. [Click to tweet!]
We are urged past the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:ane:
I beseech you therefore, brethren, past the mercies of God, that yous nowadays your bodies a LIVING cede, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.
When we decided to follow God, it means that we must besides exist set up to forsake everything, including our life.
Lesson no. two: We must be willing to be taught
Equally Christians, we must recognize the need to acquire and be taught by God. Sometimes, because of pride, we remember that we know enough and thus, we couldn't see the need to learn anymore.
Hither's the truth: as long as we live, in that location's no terminate to learning. In fact, in my life, I could personally say that the more I study, the more than I realize how lilliputian I know. A lifetime is non even plenty to completely report God's word. In that location are just then many aureate nuggets in the Word of God and it is up to united states of america to notice them.
The Apostle Thomas recognizes the need to learn further. Christ was teaching his disciples virtually a place He is preparing for them. We read in John 14:1-four:
"Allow not your heart exist troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father'south house are many mansions; if it were not and so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a identify for you, I will come up again and receive you lot to Myself; that where I am, there you may exist also. And where I go yous know, and the way you know."
In verse v, we read Thomas' response:
"Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how tin can we know the mode?"
Christ's responded, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No i comes to the Father except through Me."
Sometimes, it takes courage to admit your ignorance . [Click to tweet!]
Because of pride, we refuse to acquire.
In this situation, though it is a sign of ignorance, Thomas nevertheless asked Christ for clarification of His earlier statement.
For usa to learn, we must non be afraid to ask questions. Similar Thomas, information technology is better to exist ignorant for a few minutes and inquire questions rather than not inquire a question at all and exist ignorant forever. [Click to tweet!]
Some other important ingredient to learning is getting rid of our pre-conceived bias, prejudice, and ideas. One of the main reasons that Thomas didn't sympathize what Jesus was saying is that they have a pre-conceived notion that the Messiah will exist reign during their lifetime.
They expected that the Messiah will be a acquisition Male monarch who would deliver the Jewish nation from the clutches of the Roman Empire and restore its glorious days.
Thus, they didn't understand why Christ volition accept to go far and prepare a place for them. For Thomas and the disciples, they are going to reign now and don't have to wait for a long time.
So, if you want to larn, exist humble, don't be afraid to admit you don't know the answer, and finally, get rid of pre-conceived ideas and exist open up to new truths!
Lesson no. iii: You must believe and don't doubt
At present, we come to the story where Thomas was fabricated more popular. Information technology was the time when he kickoff saw the resurrected Christ.
Nosotros read in John 20:24-25:
Now Thomas, chosen the Twin, ane of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. The other disciples, therefore, said to him, "We have seen the Lord."
We don't know the verbal reason why Thomas wasn't part of the group when Yahshua came. Because of this, he doubted their report that they have seen Christ.
He responded in poesy 25:
So he said to them, "Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe."
For Thomas, he wanted more proof. He doesn't want to simply hear their report. If information technology is proof that he needs, then it is proof he will get.
We read in verses 26:28:
And after eight days His disciples were over again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, "Peace to you!" Then He said to Thomas, "Accomplish your finger here, and look at My hands; and attain your paw here, and put information technology into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but assertive."
And Thomas answered and said to Him, " My Lord and my God !"
The Bible told usa to prove all things. Nevertheless, Thomas, who has been with Jesus for more than three years should take already proven to himself that Christ will not remain in the grave simply rather be resurrected on the third day!
Thomas, instead of assertive, he doubted his beau disciple as well as the words of Christ. He got the proof that he needed and thus, he believed.
Nevertheless, Christ has this to say in verse 29:
"Thomas, considering you have seen Me, you accept believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and still have believed."
For the states Christians, it is not "to come across is to believe", but rather "to believe is to run into." [Click to tweet!]
That'south what nosotros phone call faith:
"Now organized religion is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1).
Faith is the Testify – the proof – of things that are not seen. If Thomas could have been more than faithful, he doesn't need the proof of seeing Christ personally. By the mere report of the other disciples, he should have already believed!
Thankfully, Thomas eventually grew in faith. After witnessing the irrefutable proof of Christ's resurrection and receiving the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost, he became as courageous and zealous equally the remainder of the disciples. He became an instrumental leader in the church building and has helped in spreading the Gospel.
Every bit Christians today, it is truthful that to doubt is easier than to believe and accept faith. However, as long equally nosotros stay shut to God, retrieve His promises, and follow His will in our lives, in that location's no reason for usa to doubt.
The resurrection of Christ is the ultimate proof of what He says He is. He is truly the Son of the Living God and His sacrifice enabled the states to receive the Holy Spirit and accept the potential to be office of God'due south future Kingdom.
Lesson no. iv: We must continue doing the work
After Christ's death, it seems that all promise is gone. Many of the disciples and followers of Christ went back to their erstwhile occupation. They stopped doing the work of God.
However, after Jesus' resurrection and the confirmation that He is indeed the Messiah, many of His followers had a renewed zeal and dedication to practice God's work. Among them is Thomas.
We read in Acts 1:13-14:
And when they had entered, they went upwardly into the upper room where they were staying: Peter, James, John, and Andrew; Philip and Thomas ; Bartholomew and Matthew; James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot; and Judas the son of James. These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the female parent of Jesus, and with His brothers.
Nosotros read from this passage that Thomas didn't stop post-obit Christ. Forth with other disciples, they all continued in prayer and supplication. They have been preparing to practice God's work and now, they are ready to perform the commission Christ gave them.
For usa, Christians, nosotros must not forget that the greatest work on the face of the planet is not our earthly jobs, but rather it is the preaching of the Gospel. [Click to tweet!]
(Please exist sure to read, "x Most Effective Ways to Preach the Gospel Today .")
Like Christ, our daily spiritual staff of life should be doing the work of God. We must not let any day pass by without doing anything to preach the Gospel. It should exist a acme priority for us since by preaching the Gospel, we are besides hastening the return of Christ.
Lesson no. 5: A moment of weakness should not define us
The life of the Apostle Thomas is only filled with a lot of lessons. He is truly a doubter who became a man of faith. Once he felt the wounds of Christ, all doubts and reservation of the Campaigner Thomas quickly vanished. He was quick to exclaim, "My Lord and my God!"
Now, information technology is true that most people recall Thomas every bit the doubting Thomas. We must also remember that this is the same Thomas who exclaimed, "Permit united states too go, that we may die with Him."
After saying those brave words, nosotros could have too said, "Mettlesome Thomas." Nevertheless, the "Doubting Thomas" stuck more than easily in the minds of many people.
Of course, let us non also forget that Thomas is amid the disciples who deserted Christ during His darkest hour. The courage that Thomas in one case had were all erased by the thought of lashing, whipping, and torturing of Christ.
The best thing nigh all of these is that y'all don't take to permit the moment of your weakness define your life . Like Thomas, he might have failed a lot of times during his time with Christ, but he certainly made bang-up improvement afterward he has confirmed the resurrection of the Messiah.
Through God'due south mercy and goodness, we are not consumed when we commit mistakes and sin. Nosotros can always plough to God, ask for His forgiveness, and modify our ways.
Possibly, you have made a great mistake today. But don't worry, you have a choice to stand on your feet, dust off the dirt, and continue your walk with God. [Click to tweet!]
Thankfully, God does not take snapshots of our lives and base his judgment on those. Rather, he takes a move picture, where he takes into consideration not just what we were, but too what we can get, from first to finish.
What are the lessons you larn from the Campaigner Thomas?
These are just some of the all-time lessons from the life of the Apostle Thomas, which I can share with you lot today. I hope we learn a lot from his life.
Thomas is just similar well-nigh of us – weak, faithless, and pessimistic. However, with God'south aid, Thomas transformed his life and become a nifty musical instrument in the hands of His Maker. In the same style, no thing who you are, y'all can likewise make a positive change in your life and be similar Thomas.
How well-nigh yous? Exercise you take any lesson you want to share with us? Did I miss anything? Let us know by leaving a comment below. Share this blog to your friends and family if it has blest you.
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Source: https://becomingchristians.com/2019/01/04/the-5-best-lessons-you-can-learn-from-the-life-of-the-apostle-thomas/
Posted by: gillhamboyaceing.blogspot.com
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