
When Did Everyone Learn Naruto Is The Jinchuriki

When did the rest of Konoha 11 learn Naruto is a Jinchuriki?

I'm curious when people similar Shino, Kiba, Hinata, etc. learned Naruto is a Jinchuriki.

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level one

I e'er thought that was very funny. While Sakura is actually outright told, the others merely sort of learn of it off-screen.

I mean, information technology makes sense that Shikamaru learned of information technology, since he was part of that anti-Akatsuki job forcefulness and that was relevant information, but Kakashi openly calls Naruto a jinchuriki correct in front of Team 8 and they don't fifty-fifty react.

level ane

Different parts:

Naruto tells it to sakura at episode (shippuden) 09 himself

Sasuke uses his sharingan to encounter information technology himself (something similar ep 55 of is when naruto,yamato,sai,sakura vs sasuke)

The rest come to know freaking episode for it...i gauge they guessed information technology!

level ii

How did sakura not know he was a jinchuriki until shippuden? He used the 9 tails powers in front of anybody during the chunin exams...

level 1

Wait if they didn't know he was a jinchuriki why was he ostracized as a kid?

level 2

The adults knew (considering they were alive during the attack) and taught their kids to stay abroad from him. It's just how they were raised to view Naruto equally.

level ii

I think they just learned he was dangerous or unstable or something from adults only non specifically from what.

level ii

He wasn't ostracized past all the Konoha 11. He was friends with Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba (iirc) as his boyfriend dead-lasts. Hinata too didn't encounter him similar a monster. With Hinata particularly though, we saw how the parents influenced(or at least tried to influence in Hinata'southward case) their beliefs towards Naruto.

level 2

Did y'all not scout the anime or read the manga? Information technology is pretty obvious the parents told their kids to stay away.

level i

Probably during the timeskip.

level 2

only sakura didn't know it during the timeskip, because she came to know it during the rescue the kazekage arc.

level ane

I asked this a few days ago! Sakura is told my Naruto early on in shippuden and everyone else just kind of infers it, or they aren't told straight.

level 2

They probably all told off screen, it isn't exactly something nosotros needed to meet for the benefit of the story.

level 1

Pretty much everyone figures it out or learns about it offscreen. Which is kind of annoying, because y'all'd call up people figuring it out would be panel-worthy, simply Kishi just sort of skipped over the whole thing.

level i

Since there was no real scene for it, I'm kinda guessing everyone else was told as the Akatsuki threat became prioritized. It'south really the only explanation for why a group of jinchuuriki hunters are afterward you.

When Did Everyone Learn Naruto Is The Jinchuriki,


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